Interested in raising your own funds for an upcoming project? Sometimes it's hard to commit to a specific project before you know if you will have the money. SendHealth can help you set up an account so you can raise funds, then sign up for a project when you get closer to your goal. Please contact us via email for details.
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SendHealth does not organize its own mission projects. Instead, we exist to help increase participation in projects led by established organizations such as Medical Ministry International, who are already doing quality, sustainable work around the globe. Currently, we have participants planning on joining the following projects:
March 30-Apri 13, 2024 - San Carlos, Bolivia
​Registration for projects is done via the website of the specific sending organization.
Send Health, inc.
c/o Matthew Campbell, MD
935 Lincoln Blvd Manitowoc WI 54220 us
Telephone: +1.920-323-0690
Copyright 2013. Send Health inc.. All Rights Reserved.