You can also pay by check - just tell us in a note or on the memo line how you'd like your donation to be used.  Make checks out to Send Health, inc.

Mail checks to:

Send Health, inc.

935 Lincoln Blvd.

Manitowoc, WI  54220

Student Fund

Going on a medical mission project as part of one's training can be a life-changing experience, often motivating a healthcare worker to become a lifelong, recurring servant of the poor with their skills.  Students, however are often limited on cash and could use some help towards their project expenses.  Donations can go towards students in general, to students of a particular discipline, or to students from a particular school.   

Participant Matching Fund - Donations to this fund go to match the first $500-$1000 of individual contributions made or sought by project participants towars their project fees, airfare, visas, and other tax-deductible project expenses.  This kind of matching help often makes the difference in whether a participant can go, especially for those with limited time to raise funds themselves. 

General Fund  -  100% of Donations go directly towards our projects, either to offset a participant's expenses or to help purchase medications and supplies.  We'll put these donations towards our most urgent needs at the time.  

Patient Expense Fund  -  Sometimes, patients require follow-up services that we are unable to provide on our projects.  This fund allows us to help offset such costs for the poorest of our patients.  

General Fund  -  100% of Donations go directly towards our projects, either to offset a participant's expenses or to help purchase medications and supplies.  We'll put these donations towards our most urgent needs at the time.  

Capital Equipment Fund  -  We are currently raising funds for some more specialized surgical instruments (~$1000), a portable anesthesia monitor (~$4650), and critical single-use supplies otherwise unavailable at our project locations.